\n 1.All Claims for RA needs to be within 3 months of the return date.\n More then 3 months this will be rejected or follow the out DOA\n process.\n
\n\n 2.TCL RA claims form used to be sent to TCL for approval, now all\n these data will need to be provided via online portal.\n
\n3.Store’s Claim’s form - needs to be attached on the portal.
\n\n 4.Proof of purchase for DOA dates – needs to be attached on the\n portal.\n
\n\n ·Do you have any pre-authorization OR\n TCL\n reference number for this out of\n DOA\n claim?\n
\n·If you have one, please provide it.
\n\n ·Store should receive an ASR Form via email (Authorization for Store\n Replacement or No Service Coverage in the area) from our call centre\n via email which needs to be attached on the portal.\n
\n\n ·\n OUT\n of\n DOA\n still need to attached\n Store claim\n and\n POP\n .\n
\n\n ·Unit should be within DOA period that is 14 days for sold units and\n 48 hours for Store stock.\n
\n\n ·Provide all documents - Store Claim and POP for sold units and POD\n for store stock.\n
\n·Min of 2 photos of the box.
\n·Photos of the damaged area of the unit Min of 2 photos.
\n\n 1.Transport damages - Goods delivered to store, store has 2 days to\n make a claim for transit damage that is within 48 hours or rejected on\n the\n Day\n if there are visual signs of damage on the box.\n
\n\n 2.Conceal damage claims should be within the 14 days period for any\n concealed damage claim.\n